Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our Blanket is FINISHED! :)

Woo Hoo!  Time to celebrate!
Our 2nd Oddball Blanket is finally complete. :)

It took a VERY long time to get to the end of our blanket, and it looks absolutely gorgeous.
Oddball Blanket #2 Complete

As you can see, I added about 12 inches more knitting to the bottom of the blanket, to make it large enough to be donated.  I am very pleased with how it turned out.  Thank you to everyone who participated in our blanket project! 

Now, I just need to decide which charity will receive all our hard work.  Stay tuned for my decision!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yay! Our Blanket is Back Home in NC!

Excellent work everyone!

Our 2nd Oddball Blanket is almost complete, and has completed its travels all over the US. Now, it's my turn to add more knitting, bind off stitches, and add a border. That is a lot of work, but I'm determined to get it done.

Our blanket looks great!
Blanket #2 - Almost Complete

Here's Section 1:
Blanket #2 - Section 1

Section 2:
Blanket #2 - Section 2

Section 3:
Blanket #2 - Section 3

And another view of our blanket from the side:
Blanket #2 - Pretty!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

On to Alabama!

Woo Hoo! Our blanket is on the road again, and is visiting SharonB13 in the Deep South of Alabama.


Our blanket is almost ready to be completed!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our Blanket is Still in Florida!

Our 2nd Oddball Blanket is still soaking up the Florida Sun, in the home of larudden.

Here's the latest view of our blanket, after a visit with jamadian75:
Blanket #2 After Jamadian75

Monday, June 16, 2008

New Photo & Going to Florida!

Blanket #2 After Stagebear

That's the latest view of our lovely blanket, after it was worked on by Stagebear in Pennsylvania. Beautiful!

Now, our blanket has travelled to New Hampshire to see Kristinw, and is now on the way to Florida for a visit with jamadian75! :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Spending Time in New Hampshire

Our 2nd Oddball Blanket is now visiting kristinw in New Hampshire!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our Blanket Had a Nice Visit in Pennsylvania

Our blanket has enjoyed staying in the home of stagebear in Pennsylvania.

Now, it's ready to hit the road again!